Zero Hour
This is the beginning of a 10,000 plus hour project by two long time Gunpla/gundam fans with developing artistic skills. We are both looking to further our understanding of the artistic steps of Gunpla and model creation. Bravesire and Mobynick will be the names we provide as we go through this journey together. Bravesire will be the main crafter throughout most of the beginning of this project. Mobynick will be suppliing support and research throughout, eventually becoming part of the crafting journey later in the project.
Why 10,000 hours? Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill. There are many milestones that can be made within this 10,000 hours. The goal of this project is to give ourselves and anyone else who is interested in the artistic process a look into the journey of a Gunpla builder
We both are not starting from a blank slate of information on Gunpla/crafting. We both have spent time researching the craft, and tools required for it. Bravesire has only assembled 5 kits in his time with the hobby so far and as such will be the main focus of the 10,000 hour journey. We will be starting the count for hours at 0 to start from a clean slate.
First post of the project will be Jan 1st 2025. The next post will be Jan 6th and we will follow a Monday Post and Friday Post Rythem from there. We have future plans beyond posting pictures and summaries once the project moves forward into future phases such as YouTube shorts, long form content and live streams as we develop our content and video editing skills.
So welcome to the beginning of our journey to 10,000 plus hours of Gunpla.
We hope to see you along the way.